Cortland - Bazetta Historical Society

Our historical Society was established in 1976 during the bicentennial to help save the area's history and promote the understanding of the history of our community. The society purchased the Opera House in 1987 from the Methodist Church. The Opera House was renovated as it was in the period of 1882 to 1907. During that time, it was used as an opera house and a cultural center for the community.
The Society has also restored a beautiful square grand piano owned by Bessie Marvin; a Cortland resident who was very involved in musical programs held in the Opera House during the early 1900’s. The piano, which came from Boston and had to cross the Appalachians by ox cart, is on permanent display in the Opera House and is still being used. The building is available for rent for private functions. Rental income helps the society preserve the building for the community. We also make the building available for use by civic and non-profit organizations.
We are now working to catalog our archives with the help of a grant obtained by the Trumbull County Historical Society. You can visit our collection and collections from many other organizations at CatalogIt Hub.
The Historical Society offices are open on Fridays from 1 to 3 pm or by appointment to anyone interested in Bazetta and Cortland History.
No regular meetings are scheduled for the summer, our next meeting will be the 2nd Wednesday in September - September 11th.
Our meetings are open to the public and we urge all who are interested to join in the preserving of the history of Cortland and Bazetta. The Bazetta-Cortland Historical Society needs the support of its members to help plan for the future.